
getoOur mission is to provide information on global, regional and national strategies by holding events and symposia with a high scientific content, publishing leading scientific articles and making use of the extensive international World Energy Council network to enter into a dialogue on energy issues in the Netherlands and the world around us.

Our goal is to see the local energy challenges in a broader and international perspective including anticipated energy transition elements such as: fuel mix, including gas, ‘gas-to-liquid’, sustainable gas generation, digitisation (smart and digital solutions), market design and development, including security and affordability of the energy supply.

WEC NL is an independent organisation and aims to bring politics, industry and science together to achieve high-quality solutions to energy issues for all stakeholders, including: industry, consumers, Non-Governmental Organisations, scientific organisations and governments.

As WEC NL we want to collaborate with other parties, both within our international World Energy Council network and beyond with the government and organisations active in the energy sector, science and other interested parties.

To this end, we organise and have organised a range of activities, events and publications. With the largest achievement in April 2024: the 26th World Energy Congress in Rotterdam. Please visit the website to see how we worked together to Redesign Energy www.worldenergycongress.org/rotterdam/.