Join the global energy network?

Do you want to make a difference and contribute to the energy transition? Join our members at World Energy Council NL. You will also be part of the global energy network. With your membership, you not only help the world but also strengthen the position of your company.

Who can become a member?

Any organization, institution, association, and even individual can become a member of the World Energy Council Netherlands. The only condition we set is that you or your organization is involved in the energy sector.

How can you become a member?

Are you interested in becoming a member? You can contact us by filling out a form on the contact page. We will get in touch with you as soon as possible to discuss the options.

Alone, you might get there fast, but together, you’ll go (sustainably) far and last.
Gitta Zaalberg
Gitta Zaalberg Board member, World Energy Council Netherlands